Multimedia Animation and Graphics Research Group

Team Leader: Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti

Mission Statement

The mission of this group is to establish a research environment, promoting research and development in the field of Multimedia, Animation and Computer Graphics. Through this group, pioneering research work will be initiated and conducted to make significant scientific contribution in various domain, while supporting and facilitating research students under one unified group working in same subject area.


The goal of this research group is to increase awareness and motivate students to work in the field of computer graphics, Multimedia and Animation. Through this group, various projects and pioneering research work would be initiated and carried out in the area of Game Development, Procedurally Generated Animation, Procedurally Generated Modelling, Biomechanics and Gait Analysis and Gesture Recognition. Through this group, a formal and definitive research culture would be formed, providing a decisive research environment to all student working in it.


  • Multimedia Technology
  • Computer Animation
  • Computer Graphics
  • Image Processing
  • Gesture Recognition
  • Android Application Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
 For More Details Please visit the Research Group Website


  1. ڊاڪٽر ذيشان سر اسلاوعيلڪم سر مان گرافڪس ڊائزين جو ڪورس ڪرڻ ٿو چاهيان آن لائن ئي ٿي سگهندو ڇو ته مان ڪراچي ۾ رهان ٿو مهرباني ڪورس جي ڊيٽل ڏيندا.
    مهرباني سيد محمد علي لڪياري

  2. Sir please let me know your postal address i am from Bhopal (m.p.), my intrest is to join classes

    1. bhopal to india ma ha our ya to pakistan sindh sy han

  3. sir i am using maya 2014. but there is no property editor. how can i find it? plz help me.


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  Offering Professional Courses in the field of  Multimedia, Animation and Graphics