Processors That Work Like Brains Will Accelerate Artificial Intelligence | MIT Technology Review:
Microchips modeled on the brain may excel at tasks that baffle today’s computers.
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Picture a person reading these words on a laptop in a coffee shop. The
machine made of metal, plastic, and silicon consumes about 50 watts of
power as it translates bits of information—a long string of 1s and 0s—into
a pattern of dots on a screen. Meanwhile, inside that person’s skull, a
gooey clump of proteins, salt, and water uses a fraction of that power
not only to recognize those patterns as letters, words, and sentences
but to recognize the song playing on the radio.
This computer chip, made by IBM in 2011, features components that serve as 256 neurons and 262,144 synapses.
Computers are incredibly inefficient at lots of tasks that are easy for even the simplest brains, such as recognizing images and navigating in unfamiliar spaces. Machines found in research labs or vast data centers can perform such tasks, but they are huge and energy-hungry, and they need specialized programming. Google recently made headlines with software that can reliably recognize cats and human faces in video clips, but this achievement required no fewer than 16,000 powerful processors.
A new breed of computer chips that operate more like the brain may be about to narrow the gulf between artificial and natural computation—between circuits that crunch through logical operations at blistering speed and a mechanism honed by evolution to process and act on sensory input from the real world. Advances in neuroscience and chip technology have made it practical to build devices that, on a small scale at least, process data the way a mammalian brain does. These “neuromorphic” chips may be the missing piece of many promising but unfinished projects in artificial intelligence, such as cars that drive themselves reliably in all conditions, and smartphones that act as competent conversational assistants.
“Modern computers are inherited from calculators, good for crunching numbers,” says Dharmendra Modha, a senior researcher at IBM Research in Almaden, California. “Brains evolved in the real world.” Modha leads one of two groups that have built computer chips with a basic architecture copied from the mammalian brain under a $100 million project called Synapse, funded by the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The prototypes have already shown early sparks of intelligence, processing images very efficiently and gaining new skills in a way that resembles biological learning. IBM has created tools to let software engineers program these brain-inspired chips; the other prototype, at HRL Laboratories in Malibu, California, will soon be installed inside a tiny robotic aircraft, from which it will learn to recognize its surroundings.
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