Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Maya Video Training ::.. Lesson 7_ Polygons and NURBS (Language Urdu)

Maya Video Training ::.. Lesson 7_ Polygons and NURBS (Language Urdu)

Create and Place Geometry

Now we’ll create some objects and place them in the scene using some of the transform tools. You’ll learn how to manipulate or view objects in the view window so that you can zoom in on objects and orbit around the scene. Since these are some of the most common actions you will use in every project, Maya offers some keyboard shortcuts to access them quickly. These will be discussed in various sections throughout the rest of this

1. To create a NURBS sphere object from the menu bar, choose Create | NURBS Primitives | Sphere. Click and drag somewhere on the grid to place and size a sphere. It does not matter where you place it as we will move it to a precise location later on.

2. Currently, this object is named nurbsSphere1. Let’s rename it to make sure that our project is well organized. Look on the right side of the Maya window and find the Channel Box. The first line in the Channel Box, nurbsSphere1, should be highlighted in gray. This is the name of the object’s transform node. Click in that field and type in Sun. Then press ENTER ( RETURN ). The node will now be named Sun, and Maya will update the shape node name to SunShape

3. We will place the Sun object at the origin of the scene, just as the real Sun sits at the center of our solar system. We can do this numerically by typing a value of 0 in the Translate X and Translate Z fields in the Channel Box.

4. When we created the sphere by clicking and dragging, the position was determined by the object’s transform node. However, the scale, in this case, was set by editing an input node of this object’s shape node.These are two different nodes that are hierarchically connected. To edit the scale, click the makeNurbSphere1 node listed under the Inputs section in the Channel Box. This node’s attributes will appear at the bottom of the Channel Box. Set the Radius attribute to a value of 3.

Video Lecture

In this lesson we learn the basic difference between Polygon and NURBS geometry types. 

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