Friday, 5 February 2016

Final Year Project Exhibition Poster for 2K12

Final Year Project Exhibition for 2K12 batches 2015-2016

Exhibition Poster Templates

This year, we are trying to improve the outcome of Final Year Project (FYP) projects and exhibition process. In this regard, the Poster template for FYP exhibition has been redesigned and made to look like a conference poster, to enhance and broaden the outcome of FYP projects. The blank template files in PowerPoint ‘ppt’ is attached for your reference, and some sample images are provided to guide the students. Few instruction on how to use the template is given below. These templates are also available on IICT website for easy access to students. 

Instruction for Exhibition Poster: 
1- Insert the data in PowerPoint ‘ppt’ as appropriate, according to heading and example in posters provided. 
2- You are allowed to change basic format of Poster as per your project specification. 
3- The size of poster is set to auto in ppt.. Just 'Save As' the PowerPoint file as JPEG image and print the penaflex. 
4- The size is 2x3 feet (2feet width x 3 feet height).
5- Each discipline has a Separate color template poster,, So check your poster template carefully. 

NOTE: Students will not be allowed to stick there posters on wall, as the rooms have been freshly repainted. Therefore each group is required to bring a cardboard and stick their posters on  that cardboard and place it beside wall. Example of poster on cardboard is also shown (see attachment). You can get any cardboard box from nearby shop and unfold it to create back support of the penaflex like shown in example image. 
Poster TEmplate

For any further assistance or information, feel free to contact me.

To Download the Poster Templates, Click on the following link
 or visit

1 comment:

  1. A good template for the students. It is a pity that students should go into this framework. I can recommend a couple of templates here I often use templates for my presentations. This helps to diversify the daily work.


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