Computer Graphics (ITEC-613) Lab Project 1 : Drawing the Line
BSIT P-IVBy: Dr. Zeeshan Bhatti
This is a Lab Project, to be done and submitted by each individual student during the Lab, every week. Each student has to do the tasks given, print the Source Code, and get it signed by the lecturer during each lab. Each Lab project has Marks, which will be given during the final exam, and the final Viva Vice will also be conducted from these lab projects. Therefore, each student MUST complete these tasks individually and get it signed during the lab session and finally they will be required to bring all the Lab Project files during the final Viva Vice for input of Marks.
Task 1: Write the code to create the line using DDA, in Matlab or CPP
Task 2: Write the code to create the line using Bresenham Line Drawing Algorithm in Matlab or CPP
Task 3: Create a custom myLine function in C++ or Java using DDA or Bresenhams algorithm
void myLine(x0, y0 ,x1 ,y1){ DDA logic …. }
Task 4: Create a custom Rectangle Function using your own myLine() function. The rectangle function should create a rectangle using four lines as fallow:
void myRectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
myLine( ); \\Line 1
myLine( ) ; \\Line 2
myLine( ); \\ Line 3
myLine( ); \\Line 4
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