Monday, 25 April 2016

Assignment : Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, SENG-620

SENG-620 Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision


(Morning and Evening)


1. Assignment is to be submitted in Group.
2. Not more than 4 in a group, preferably form same group as your Final Year Project Group.
3. Last Date of Assignment submission : Wednesday, 25th May, 2016 12:00Noon
4. Assignment has to be submitted via Email to with your group ID in Subject of email.
5. Do not copy paste material from Internet, as your assignment will be checked for plagiarism.
6. Before submission you can use following websites to check for duplicated/copied/plagiarized text in your assignment.



Each Group has to create an AI system Architecture based on their Final Year Project. They have to take their FYP project title and convert it into an AI system.

1. For this purpose, create a documentation of 5-6 pages.
2. Explains and suggests various ways in which their project can be converted in an AI system.
3. How your project will work and behave as an AI system? What will be its features?
4. Define what type of AI system it will be according to these for categories, and Why?

      a. Systems that think like humans
      b. Systems that think rationally
      c. Systems that act like humans
      d. Systems that act rationally

5. What Type of Agent it will be?

6. How do we design a agent that will solve your project purpose?

     a. Goals?
     b. Percepts?
     c. Sensors?
     d. Effectors?
     e. Actions?
     f. Environment?
     g. Performance Measure?

7. Create a Simple Agent Architecture as given below for you agent.
8. Is Your Agent a Rational Agent? How , give description according to the rules of Rational Agent.
9. Fill Ion the Following details about your project. Explaining what type of Agent your project will be?

    Your Project Environment?

10. How will you solve the problem, based on following criteria

    a. What are the States of the System?
    b. Formulate goal?
    c. Formation Problem?
    d. Find solution 
    e. states?
    f.  actions?
    g. goal test?
    h. path cost?

11. What type Problem it is

    a. Single-state problem
    b. Multiple-state problem
    c. Contingency problem
    d. Exploration problem:

12. What type of Searching Algorithms would be used and How it will be used?

13. How will you use Knowledge Base and Machine Learning in Your Project? List and define the techniques and Algorithms for these?

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